About Us
Cherish Kids was founded on the belief that every child is a gift from God and deserves to be cared for and cherished.
– Psalm 10:17-18

Our Vision
Cherish Kids endeavors to improve the quality of life for children who find themselves displaced or orphaned. The vision of Cherish Kids is to make a difference in the lives of children in crisis by collaborating with state, counties, churches and adoption agency leaders.
Our Mission
Cherish Kids is a non-profit organization committed to a threefold mission:
- RAISE AWARENESS of the needs of children in crisis locally, statewide and around the world.
- PROVIDE RESOURCE by offering credible information and guidance to families and individuals who desire to help.
- OFFER SUPPORT by assisting children in crisis with essential needs and providing financial, emotional and spiritual support to families and individuals in their effort to foster and adopt.

Who We Are
Cherish Kids is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children find loving homes across the United States and around the world
What We Do

Foster Care
Cherish Kids is excited to encourage and empower you on your journey to rescue children. We pray that as you begin the training process, God will lead you and provide all that you need to pursue His will for your life.

Respite Care
Cherish Kids has a team of restpite care providers who are available to assist foster families in a time of need. It could be for just a few hours or sometimes a few days. This provides need rest for the foster parents.

Cherish Kids loves to support foster families who are currently in the trenches and provide them with a level of support that will enable them to continue to foster children in need.

Cherish Kids connects desiring families with an adoption agency to begin the process of adoption (domestic and international). We will walk with you through this journey and be here for you eveery step of the way.
Defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten… your duty is to deliver the poor and the powerless.
Psalm 82:3-4